About Us

Family, Honor, Communinty   /

Semper Simul

Who We Are

Maricopa Veterans is a community-driven group created by Jason Martin (The Grand Poobah), with the sole aim of establishing a supportive network for veterans residing in the Maricopa community. Our organization is defined by its dedication to fostering camaraderie, providing a sense of belonging, and offering a support system outside of existing veteran organizations such as the VFW and American Legion.
Founded with no political or religious intent, Maricopa Veterans seeks to enhance the services provided by these esteemed organizations rather than compete with them. Our goal is to supplement their efforts by offering an additional platform where veterans of all ages can come together and support one another.
At Maricopa Veterans, inclusivity is at the heart of our ethos. We welcome veterans from all walks of life, regardless of their background, branch of service, or years of experience. We understand the importance of creating a diverse and inclusive environment to foster cross-generational connections and deep-rooted bonds that transcend any perceived barriers.
Our organization also seeks to support and uplift local veteran-owned businesses within the Maricopa community. By patronizing these establishments, we aim to enhance economic opportunities for our fellow servicemen and women while strengthening the ties within our community.
Through various events, social gatherings, and recreational activities, Maricopa Veterans provides veterans with the opportunity to relive the sense of camaraderie and belonging that we all cherished during our military service. We believe in the power of creating a surrogate family where veterans can share experiences, find support, give back, and thrive together.
Whether you are a recently discharged service member, a retired veteran, or somewhere in between, Maricopa Veterans welcomes you with open arms. Join us and become part of a tight-knit community that values the unique perspectives and contributions of every member.
Together, let us stand united in support of our brave men and women who have selflessly served our country, and create a lasting legacy of camaraderie, support, and opportunity within the Maricopa Veterans community.

Veterans Outreach

We understand the importance of reaching out and supporting our fellow veterans who may be facing challenges. That’s why we support various outreach programs to provide guidance, assistance, and resources to those in need.

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